I provide services using a secure telehealth platform by Doxy.me. In order to use services, you will need a high-speed internet connection, a computer with speakers and camera for videoconferencing. To ensure privacy and confidentiality, the computer you use should be private and accessible by you only. You will need to make sure you are in a location that is private. You should not be using public wi-fi connection. By accepting a videoconferencing invitation, you indicate that you consent to the use of telehealth services. You may decide to withdraw your consent at any time. The interaction during a telehealth visit is private and confidential, just like during a face-to-face in-person visit. There is no audio or video recording of the session.

Email and text messaging are not considered secure forms of communication. To protect your privacy, please refrain from using these forms of communication to share confidential information. I do not use text messaging for any type of communication. I may use email for transmitting information that does not contain health information, e.g. for initial contact or appointment reminders.